- The most frequently used type of curve in architecture and most other fields of design is the circle. For our purposes, a circle may be regarded as a regular polygon with a sufficiently large number of sides to appear smooth. It is useful, then, to have a procedure that draws a regular polygon with any specified number of sides, of any specified radius, and centered at any specified point (X,Y) (Mitchell, 1987:261)
- Polyline to Curve Sac3 Sanghoon Yoon
- Select curves by linestypes (2009) Sac3 Sanhoon Yoon
- Diffuse Curve (2009) ctrl-i
- Array around curve (2008) CORE.FORM-ULA
- Simple Sin Curve (2009) Dave Pigram+Maxwell
- Get a point along a curve (2009) Dave Pigram+Maxwell
- Archimedean Spiral (2008) McNeel
- Surface and Curve Transformation (2009) Takehiko Nagakura MIT rvb
- Scripted Spiral Bowl (2009) Karl Daubmann
ModeLab Grasshopper Primer Third Edition by Gil Akos & Ronnie Parsons
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